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 eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop

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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

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eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop Empty
PostSubject: eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop   eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop EmptyWed Dec 10, 2014 10:33 am

Since there didn't seem to be a real resource for this, which I could find, I decided to make one myself.
This thread is a gathering place for all discounts and sales on the Nintendo eShops, so that anyone can see what has been on sale when and for how much, as well as what sales are currently going on and will be going on soon.
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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

Posts : 1108
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Join date : 2014-03-23

eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop Empty
PostSubject: Re: eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop   eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop EmptyWed Dec 10, 2014 10:40 am

Steel Empire $29.99 ($15.99) Review 8/10

North America-
BLOK DROP U - $0.99 ($1.99) Review 5/10
POKER DICE SOLITAIRE FUTURE - $0.69 ($0.99) Review 5.5/10
SHUT THE BOX - $0.69 ($0.99)
SPIKEY WALLS - $0.69 ($0.99) Review 4.5/10
BLOK DROP U - £0.79/€0.99 (£1.29/€1.49)
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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

Posts : 1108
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Join date : 2014-03-23

eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop Empty
PostSubject: Re: eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop   eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop EmptySat Dec 13, 2014 9:49 pm

Armillo is currently on sale, 50% off! $3.99 ($7.99) Review. 8.5/10

Comic Workshop will be on sale from December 18th through January 8, for $5.99 ($7.99). Review. 8/10
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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

Posts : 1108
Points : 65
Join date : 2014-03-23

eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop Empty
PostSubject: Re: eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop   eShop Sales Thread- Tracking discounts across the eShop EmptyThu Dec 25, 2014 6:55 pm

All of these games are currently on sale, on the NA eShop. Below is listed the game, price and our review of the game. Hope this helps you narrow down some choices!

Color Zen Kids (WiiU) $2.79 ($3.99) 6/10
Color Zen (WiiU) $2.79 ($3.99) 7/10
Angry Bunnies: Colossal Carrot Crusade (WiiU) $4.99 ($8.99) 2.5/10
Color Zen Kids (3DS) $2.79 ($3.99) 5/10
Color Zen (3DS) $2.79 ($3.99) 8/10
Steel Empire (3DS) $15.99 (29.99) 8/10
Demon King Box (3DS) $2.79 ($3.99)8/10
Turtle Tale (WiiU) $1.99 ($2.99) 4.5/10
PING 1.5+ (WiiU) $1.99 ($4.99) 7.5/10
Darts Up (WiiU) $1.49 ($2.49) 3.5/10
Turtle Tale (3DS) $1.99 ($2.99) 4/10
The Legend of Dark Witch (3DS) $2.79 ($3.99) 9/10
SPEEDX 3D Hyper Edition (3DS) $0.99 ($2.99) 8/10
Mutant Mudds (3DS) $5.99 ($8.99) 8/10
Comic Workshop (3DS) $5.99 ($7.99) 8/10
Castle Conqueror EX (3DS) $2.79 ($3.99) 7.5/10
SPIKEY WALLS (WiiU) $0.69 ($0.99) 4.5/10
SHUT THE BOX (WiiU) $0.69 ($0.99) 6/10
POKER DICE SOLITARE FUTURE (WiiU) $0.69 ($0.99) 5.5/10
BLOK DROP U (WiiU) $0.99 ($1.99) 5/10
Stick it to the Man (WiiU) $4.99 ($9.99) 9/10
SteamWorld Dig (WiiU) $4.99 ($9.99) 9/10
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