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 Major NX Rumours Thread

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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

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Major NX Rumours Thread Empty
PostSubject: Major NX Rumours Thread   Major NX Rumours Thread EmptyWed Jul 15, 2015 9:56 am

Let's face it, a lot of companies out there want to get in on the NX as it is grabbing headlines often. Making up a rumor is the easiest way for them to do so, and sadly they are appearng quite often.

If you find a rumour about NX that seems credible, or even completely ridiculous, post it here! We'll see if any of these sites can be trusted. Wink

NOTE: Rumors should be kept seperate from the Official Statement thread.
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Major NX Rumours Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major NX Rumours Thread   Major NX Rumours Thread EmptyWed Jul 15, 2015 10:57 am

The rumor about the NX not being as powerful as the PS4 seems credible, since it's from Unseen64. Not sure how that would affect Nintendo though. It could drive away third parties, but I don't know if they would be successful on a Nintendo console either way.
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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

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Major NX Rumours Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major NX Rumours Thread   Major NX Rumours Thread EmptyThu Jul 16, 2015 10:42 am

Noob_The_Third wrote:
The rumor about the NX not being as powerful as the PS4 seems credible, since it's from Unseen64. Not sure how that would affect Nintendo though. It could drive away third parties, but I don't know if they would be successful on a Nintendo console either way.

I don't think it should be an issue as long as it is more powerful than the Wii U at least. Worst case scenario for NX is its just a Wii U without the gamepad, it needs to step it up but I'd think Nintendo wouldn't focus on power.
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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

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Major NX Rumours Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major NX Rumours Thread   Major NX Rumours Thread EmptySat Jul 18, 2015 1:08 pm

Wii U Specs Rumor.

They're basically restating the rumour that AMD is working on the NX tech, but backing it up with their own intel.
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