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 Beatbuddy hitting Wii U eShop in August, Earlier in EU than NA

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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

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Beatbuddy hitting Wii U eShop in August, Earlier in EU than NA Empty
PostSubject: Beatbuddy hitting Wii U eShop in August, Earlier in EU than NA   Beatbuddy hitting Wii U eShop in August, Earlier in EU than NA EmptyWed Aug 05, 2015 10:08 am

THREAKS has announced here that Beatbuddy is releasing this week in Europe on Wii U, and mid-August in North America as well.

Beatbuddy is an action adventure game, combining puzzle solving, exploration and defeating enemies into an award-winning package. If you want to check out the game, watch its Wii U trailer.


Are you interested in Beatbuddy when it hits your region?
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Beatbuddy hitting Wii U eShop in August, Earlier in EU than NA
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