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 Secret 3DS game revealed at E3

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Secret 3DS game revealed at E3 Empty
PostSecret 3DS game revealed at E3

Code Name S.T.E.A.M.: Strike Team Eliminating the Alien Menace announced as the secret 3DS Title, will be a turn based Strategy game
Secret 3DS game revealed at E3 N3DS_CodeNameSTEAM_Illustration_02.0_cinema_640.0
Nintendo has announced a new 3DS game at E3 known as Code Name S.T.E.A.M. (A.k.a. Strike Team Eliminating the Alien Menace). It is being developed by Intelligent Systems, also developer of Advance Wars. Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. has a Steampunk style and a classic comic book style. You're in charge of a super hero team formed by Abraham Lincoln, fighting off an alien invasion. The turn based feature is considered to "take a more direct role", as you control heroes with action points.
Gameplay styled, it plays like XCOM: Enemy Within and Valkyria Chronicles. Code Name S.T.E.A.M. will not be out until at some point in 2015, alongside most other games coming out for Nintendo consoles announced at E3. Will you be buying the game at some point in the future? Let us know in the comments below.
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