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 8 Bit Forward Update - Addition of @ Tags

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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

Posts : 1108
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Join date : 2014-03-23

8 Bit Forward Update - Addition of @ Tags Empty
PostSubject: 8 Bit Forward Update - Addition of @ Tags   8 Bit Forward Update - Addition of @ Tags EmptyWed Dec 10, 2014 8:56 am

We are pleased to annoumce that we now have a new feature, where we can more easily tag other users and keep conversations going. This is already in place on many other sites, and we now have the use of... the @ tag!

Say I am having a conversation with another person, I simple type @Knuckles and it notifies Knuckles that he has been called.

It does NOT currently do this automatically in a quote, please bear with us and type in the @ symbol by yourself for a bit while we try to get that feature up and running.

Please note, to tag someone with a space in their name, like me, you would do so with quotes.

ie, @Professor Clayton would tag me.
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