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 What would you call the next Nintendo console?

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Professor Clayton
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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyMon Jun 23, 2014 2:17 pm

There are thousands of potential ideas out there for a new and Nintendo went with adding a 3 to the DS and adding a U to the Wii. We like think a little more creatively however, and would like to know what you'd like the next Nintendo console to be called?

Some ideas I have are,

Nintendo 128, a Nintendo 64 times two.

The Verge, Not that we have any idea what it would be like... but it would sound cool.

Do you have any ideas?
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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyMon Jun 23, 2014 2:21 pm

Would the Nintendo 128 be 128-bit or 2 N64s?

Either way I don't think people would buy it.
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Level Infinity Epic Super God... Plus!

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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyMon Jun 23, 2014 9:42 pm

Um.... isn't the GameCube 128-bit? (Not sure on that btw) It'd kinda be a major step backwards, if we took the name factually... heck, we don't even talk about Bits anymore, we're now in an age of 3D and HD.

I'm not thinking of any good names right now, though.
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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyTue Jun 24, 2014 10:07 pm

The Nintendo 128 would be like the Nintendo 64, except it would have twice as many of everything. Pixels, games, controllers, buttons, except the cost~
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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyTue Jun 24, 2014 10:13 pm

Why would Nintendo make 128-bit console if they have 1080p right now?

I think they should make a doughnut shaped console and call it the Nintendoughnut, because wordplay.
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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyWed Jun 25, 2014 10:14 am

Noob_The_Third wrote:
Why would Nintendo make 128-bit console if they have 1080p right now?

I think they should make a doughnut shaped console and call it the Nintendoughnut, because wordplay.
They could because retro.
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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyWed Jun 25, 2014 10:37 am

Professor Clayton wrote:
Noob_The_Third wrote:
Why would Nintendo make 128-bit console if they have 1080p right now?

I think they should make a doughnut shaped console and call it the Nintendoughnut, because wordplay.
They could because retro.

What would the console do that the GameCube couldn't? What would it do that the Wii U can't?
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Level Infinity Epic Super God... Plus!

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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyWed Jun 25, 2014 11:57 am

Noob_The_Third wrote:
I think they should make a doughnut shaped console and call it the Nintendoughnut, because wordplay.
In that case, I think they should make a console called the NintenD'oh! and have it just be a box with nothing in it, and see how many people buy it. They can then use that money for all they lost on the Wii U, and then they can make another console called the NintenDon't, and have it have great graphics, FaceBook/Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest/Tumblr/SnapChat/Google+/every other social network I forgot implementation, no motion controls whatsoever, a terrible controller, a VR headset, 1 TB of RAM, a 10 TB hard drive built in, only 3rd party games, and a $5000 pricetag.

EDIT: Then they could have their next console be a serious console, and have it be the best selling console of the 11th generation of games. Because maybe their competitors and haters would get the point by then.
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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyWed Jun 25, 2014 1:37 pm

Noob_The_Third wrote:
Professor Clayton wrote:
Noob_The_Third wrote:
Why would Nintendo make 128-bit console if they have 1080p right now?

I think they should make a doughnut shaped console and call it the Nintendoughnut, because wordplay.
They could because retro.

What would the console do that the GameCube couldn't? What would it do that the Wii U can't?
It would be amazing, obviously.
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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyWed Jun 25, 2014 1:50 pm

Professor Clayton wrote:
Noob_The_Third wrote:
Professor Clayton wrote:
Noob_The_Third wrote:
Why would Nintendo make 128-bit console if they have 1080p right now?

I think they should make a doughnut shaped console and call it the Nintendoughnut, because wordplay.
They could because retro.

What would the console do that the GameCube couldn't? What would it do that the Wii U can't?
It would be amazing, obviously.

Yeah, but how? I don't think many people would buy a 128-bit console if its competitors were all Hyper HD.
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SEGA Admin
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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyThu Jun 26, 2014 1:44 am

How about the Nintendo Hyper Dreamcast, or HD for short?
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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyFri Aug 08, 2014 12:52 am

I would call it the Nintendo Vendetta. Not that I'm any good at naming anything, lol.

Or I could be un-original as most people and go with The Revolution.
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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyFri Aug 08, 2014 9:07 am

Nintendo Neighbor, because it uses your pool when you're out of the house. >:[
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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you call the next Nintendo console?   What would you call the next Nintendo console? EmptyFri Aug 08, 2014 10:22 pm


Let's face it, it's the most likely.

Or they could call it the Nintendo Joe, and have an awesome titular mascot to go with it.
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What would you call the next Nintendo console? Empty
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