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 Someone designed their idea of a Nintendo Smartphone, and it looks pretty slick.

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Professor Clayton
Professor Clayton

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Someone designed their idea of a Nintendo Smartphone, and it looks pretty slick. Empty
PostSubject: Someone designed their idea of a Nintendo Smartphone, and it looks pretty slick.   Someone designed their idea of a Nintendo Smartphone, and it looks pretty slick. EmptySat Jul 18, 2015 9:29 pm

The Article

Generally speaking I wouldn't be mad at all if that was announced as the NX. Especially if it could be used with the 3DS/WiiU in ways (like as a controller, cross buy etc) as well.

Not going to happen (most likely) but definitely something I'd be okay with. What about you guys?
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Someone designed their idea of a Nintendo Smartphone, and it looks pretty slick.
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